Summary of our accomplishments for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2022.
Pictures from the June 2022 Annual Meeting and Picnic.
The North Carolina Native Plant Society offers an array of activities and events! We are a 501c nonprofit with a governing board and local chapters and members across the state. Our chapters are Blue Ridge (Boone area), Southern Piedmont (Charlotte area), Triad (Greensboro area), Triangle (Raleigh area), Land of the Sky (Asheville area, Oconee Bell (Cashiers area), Central Coastal (New Bern area) and SE Coastal (Wilmington area).
The Officers and Board members over see all the legal and tax requirements for the 501c, keep all the financial records, buy the insurance to cover field trips and plant rescues, and provide support to the Chapters.
For a more in-depth understanding of the scope of what the NCNPS is all about, please see our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

Chapter activities – in 2019, we sponsored 80 activities, and had contact with about 2400 people!
hold meetings
plan field trips,
plant rescues,
volunteer workdays
arrange and give talks,
plant sales,
and have a booth at local events.
Some chapters are involved in special events such as the NC State Fair where the Triangle Chapter has a demonstration garden, and the Green and Growing Show where volunteers from the Triad, Southern Piedmont, and Triangle Chapter have a booth each year.
Not all chapters offer the same opportunities, so check out the one near you to see the local happenings.

State Wide Activities
State Wide programs and events are:
Grants and Scholarships
Garden Certification
Spring Trip
Publish quarterly Newsletters
Maintain the ncnps.org web site
Maintain a list of plant nurseries,
a speaker bureau,
list of invasive plants in NC,
recommended native plants for gardens, and
native plant resources for NC.