Photo: Venus Flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, is unique to our area.
Our region is renowned for its beauty. But did you know we have one of the richest and most diverse ecosystems in the world? We have the coastal maritime forests of the Bogue Banks and the pine savannas and pocosins of the Croatan National Forest that offer plants found nowhere else on Earth; the rich banks and wetlands of the Neuse, Tar/Pamlico, and White Oak river systems; and beechwood forests with plants normally found in the Piedmont and mountains.
Our goal is to help people participate in the beauty that is the Central Coastal Plain through educational events such as plant walks and talks as well as encouraging home landscaping with native flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees.

Our epicenter is New Bern with most members being within an hour’s drive, although all are welcome.
Our Events
Please visit our Facebook page for the latest field trip photo albums and more! Click on the Facebook link.