Why Native Plants– The natural processes from which natives evolve represent the cog and wheel of a healthy ecosystem sustained by a complex web of biological diversity. The myriad of benefits derived from native plant species promotes their use in the landscape and the need for their conservation and protection in the wild.
Here are our Native Plant Recommendations
Here are some gardening handouts
Looking for a Plant Nursery? Here is a list of nurseries that sell native plants, do not sell any plant on our Invasive list, and sell only nursery propagated plants.
Garden or Yard Certification
Certifying your Yard or Public Garden – The North Carolina Native Plant Society (NCNPS) recognizes the importance of home gardens, along with larger public gardens, as critical links in maintaining native ecosystems. We seek to increase plantings of North Carolina natives and remove/control invasive species. To encourage the establishment of habitats that support native plant and animal life and to recognize those who do, NCNPS began the Native Plant Habitat Certification Program .
Here is a list of Invasive plants and a list of plants that are Bird Friendly, and other Resources
When the losse of habitat is inevitable we are sometimes allowed to do a rescue. Here is information about Rescues.