Meeting at Clawson-Burnley Park
Join Evan Curth and native plant society members in an invasive plant
walk, focusing on the Mile a Minute Weed (Persicaria perfoliata),
through the Greenway.
through the Greenway.
This invasive species is relatively new to the area, first having been seen in North Carolina in 2010. As an attempt to try and combat the spread of the species, a species of weevil that has adapted alongside this plant in its native habitat was released at the Greenway, the Mile a Minute Weevil (Rhinoncomimus latipes). Evidence of the presence of the weevils can be seen on many of the plants throughout the Greenway as leaf damage in the shape of a circle. The plant has triangular leaves as well as perfoliate leaves (stem goes directly through a circular leaf at each node), and sharp prickles covering much of the stem. If you see it in your yard, yank it up!
Evan Curth is a senior at Appalachian State University doing undergraduate research under Dr. Annkatrin Rose and studying Biology with a concentration in ecology, evolution, and environmental science. As well as studying the mile a minute weed, Evan has worked on a tissue culture project, growing Venus Flytraps from seed and multiplying them to be sold at App State greenhouse sales and Native Plant Society sales.
Rain or shine; cancelled for thunderstorms