We extend a warm welcome to our new At-Large Board Member, Ken Bridle, Ph.D. Ken has been a professional botanist for over 40 years with an emphasis on plant physiology and natural product chemistry. He is currently the Stewardship Director for Piedmont Land Conservancy and has a long career as a natural heritage and watershed inventory biologist, field ecologist, science museum exhibits director, and environmental consultant. He is a frequent leader of hikes and nature walks and a speaker on local conservation issues.
Ken is the author of several county Natural Heritage Inventories (1998-2002) as well as watershed assessments, wetland delineations, and rare plant and animal surveys. He is a founding member of the Dan River Basin Association, the Carolina Butterfly Society, and the Triad Mushroom Club. He has held leadership roles including past President of the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council, Chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission, the Nongame Wildlife Advisory Committee, and past president of our very own North Carolina Native Plant Society. We so look forward to having you on “Board” again Ken!