Vol. 20 Issue 5 - 2022 Winter Edition - Articles

Promoting the enjoyment and conservation of North Carolina’s native plants and their habitats 

through education, protection, cultivation, and advocacy since 1951

Table of Contents

Coming Together. Stronger Together. 

Here at the North Carolina Native Plant Society our members engage in myriad opportunities to advocate, cultivate, educate, and protect. We reach out and help; we make a difference; we Come Together to show we care.  

One of the ways we at the Native Plant Society can come together is by supporting young scientists in their research to protect our biological diversity. Through your donation to the Tom and Bruce Shinn Fund, your donation will further vital work to help manage our changing climate. Read about last year’s Shinn fund recipients in our Summer 2022 Native Plant News. 

Winter is an especially good time to show we care about our planet, the earth’s ecosystem, our homes, family, and friends. And now that we are emerging from the isolating effects of a health pandemic, we can once again feel comfortable about Coming Together. Stronger Together. 

We are stronger together – find out how when you read this winter newsletter. 

  • In time for your new year’s resolution, Ken Bridle seeks your awards nominations before or on the very day the new year starts! What person, project, or group do you want to nominate? – Show that you care and let’s hear from you!
  • In this issue, several of our chapters have pictures of their activities. Fun stuff!
  • We have articles by Bill Dunson and by Matt Shortway about their properties that protect the environment – wonderful to read and know about.
  • We have stories of grants for the Alice Zawadzki Conservation Fund and thank yous from Cullowhee Scholarship recipients of the NCNPS Scholarship Program. 
  • Lisa Lofland Gould writes about updating the Invasive Exotic Species List – you need to know what’s on it!
Andrea Thunem is editor of the North Carolina Native Plant Society’s Native Plant News and a member of the NCNPS Southern Piedmont chapter. A retired journalist and landscape designer with a passion for native plants and environmental sustainability, she loves working with people to present their stories about the holistic nature of plants, people, earth, and connections. Email her at newsletter@ncwildflower.org