Here We Grow Again!

NCNPS Chapters
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By Kelly Gage

Have you heard the exciting news? NC Native Plant Society has received and approved applications for two new chapters of native plant enthusiasts in the western region of NC. The Land of the Sky Chapter officially joined in the summer of 2023 and the Oconee Bell Chapter was approved by the Board in November of 2023. Our chapters, now numbering eight, serve as the link for the Native Plant Society mission goals in the local community.

The Land of the Sky is co-chaired by Dr. Destini Petitt, Cat Martin and Carrie Blair. It serves the greater Asheville area and meets at The Botanical Gardens at Asheville. The Chapter aptly chose this name which became a nickname for Asheville after the publication of Francis Tiernan’s novel Land of the Sky: Adventures in Mountain By-Ways in 1876. After their inaugural meeting on June 24, 2023 Land of the Sky toured Milkweed Meadow Farm, held a tree ID workshop, and learned about bird friendly gardening. In January, Nathan Buchanan of Wildbud Natives in Marshall, NC led a hands-on seed propagation class followed by Jean Woods’ presentation in February on Early Women Botanists.

The Cashiers plateau area.

The Oconee Bell Chapter, self-described as, “A ragtag bunch of landscape design professionals, gardeners, plant nursery owners, naturalists, scientists, and diverse members of the public…” had quite a loftier start than they give themselves credit. The idea for a chapter in the Cashiers area began when renowned landscape architect Mary Palmer Dargan organized a group aiming to create a local chapter. The idea gained support when the group met a second time speaking with the Stewardship Director of Lonesome Valley, Kyle Pursel. Beth Nathan and Nancy Anderson serve as co-chairs for Oconee Bell. The Chapter spans Macon, Jackson, and Transylvania Counties and is a comfortable driving distance from the Cashiers Crossroads, shown within the blue lines below.

The new Oconee Bell Chapter is a comfortable driving distance of the Cashiers Crossroads. The Cashiers plateau, approximately 3,500 ft altitude, spans Macon, Jackson and Transylvania counties with watersheds that include the headwaters of seven rivers. 

Both new chapters are actively seeking new members excited to join in spreading the mission goals of the NC Native Plant Society. You can follow them through their webpages, social accounts and newsletters.

Land of the Sky Facebook Page

Land of the Sky Chapter

Oconee Bell Facebook Page

Oconee Bell Chapter Page

Benefits for members

• Four state newsletters each year with articles and illustrations by professional and amateur contributors.

• Field trips to natural areas including those managed by The Nature Conservancy and Natural Heritage sites, plus local excursions.

• Programs presented by professional and amateur speakers.

• Frequent access to hard-to-find native plants through our sales, auctions, and exchanges.

• Native plant rescues in natural areas slated for development.

• Opportunities to work in rare native plant preservation efforts, restoration, and maintenance projects to preserve our natural heritage.

• Membership in chapters connecting you with native plant enthusiasts in your community.

By Kelly Gage
Native Plant News – Spring 2024

Kelly Gage is a NCNPS Board Member-at-Large and chairs the Membership Committee. As a member of the Triad Chapter, she gardens on six acres in Guilford County. In addition, Kelly is a biologist who worked in Environmental Management Enforcement in North Carolina.