Home Events - North Carolina Native Plant Society Triad Botanical Exploration in our Own Backyards: Rare and Unusual Native Plants from the Southeastern United States

Botanical Exploration in our Own Backyards: Rare and Unusual Native Plants from the Southeastern United States

Join us on Oct. 2nd at 6:30pm at the KCE Library to learn about Botanical Exploration. Zac Hill who works as the Plant Records Specialist and Taxonomist at Plant Delights Nursery will speak about Rare and unusual native plants for the garden from the Southeastern United States.

This meeting is open to the public, everyone is welcome to attend! If you are unable to attend you can find the presentation on our YouTube channel later in the month.

Zac Hill grew up in Trinity, and was involved in many plant rescues with the group and a smaller local group while in High school and went on to study botany at NCSU. I have spent time in Texas and have done many trips into Mexico. I work as the Plant Records Specialist and Taxonomist at Plant Delights Nursery at Juniper Level Botanic Garden and have been here over 14 years.

The event is finished.


Oct 02 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm




Kathleen Clay Edwards Library
1420 Price Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410