Chapters in Action

By Chapter Chairs reporting for Native Plant News

Eight regional chapters knit the North Carolina Native Plant Society together. They provide the foundation of a strong community of native plant advocates that educate and protect their ecosystems. Here are some recent Chapters in Action photos.

Oconee Bell Chapter

Oconee Bell Chapter members photograph Pink Lady’s-slipper (Cypripedium acaule), Yellow Lady’s-slipper (C. parviflorum), and Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) by Robb Turner; Grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia asarifolia) by April McNiff, and Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) by Blair Scott, and volunteer at garden events in Cashiers, Dillsboro, and Highlands.

Reid (Triangle) Chapter

Reid (Triangle) Chapter. Tours of NCNPS members’ spaces highlight propagation trays at Dutch Buffalo Farm Native Plant Nursery, Dean Di Lillo’s meadow, and Linda Watson’s front and back yards. Members Wivina Lee and Mia South rescue native plants at Black Creek Greenway in Cary while Nancy Anderson with Oconee Bell Chapter, Bettina Darveaux with Triangle Chapter, and John Clarke with Triad and Triangle Chapters attend the Cullowhee Native Plant Conference.

SE Coastal Chapter

SE Coastal Chapter members rescue Flytrap plants near Wilmington where underground utilities are planned and locate them near a Boiling Springs Lake city property. In late spring, members hike with Dr. John Taggart at Carolina Beach State Park and spot Spoonleaf Sundew (Drosera intermedia) in flower and Pink Sundew (D. capillaris). The chapter is organizing the Cape Fear Native Plant Festival September 18-21 with the N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Southern Piedmont Chapter

Southern Piedmont Chapter and other NCNPS members enjoy the 40th Annual Cullowhee Native Plant Conference at Western Carolina University, which includes a presentation by Sara Bryd. Members hike with Adam Bigelow and Eric Kimbrel and spot pitcherplants and Eastern Goat’s-beard (Aruncus dioicus). In August, members attended the Flowers: Form and Function workshop by Carrie DeJaco.

Triad Chapter

Triad Chapter members visit rock and bog gardens at the home of chapter member Dan Walker and plant trees at the Greensboro Parks and Rec Bog Garden at Benjamin Park.