We Connect with NC Nursery & Landscape Association

Green and Growing Nursery & Landscape Association
Sarah Flores at the Green & Growin' Nursery & Landscape Association's Annual Convention (Photo by Diane Laslie)

The NCNPS was once again a participant of the NC Nursery & Landscape Association’s Green & Growin’ annual two-day tradeshow which followed their three-day education conference. With over 300 exhibitors, the show draws thousands of visitors to Greensboro every January. We connected with nurseries, landscape designers, and other green industry professionals, vendors, and related organizations. Diane Laslie, Tom Harville, Dan Walker, Jeff Prather, and Sarah Flores distributed booklets and handouts on native plants, answered questions, and encouraged retail nurseries and landscaping professionals to promote the use of native plants in the landscape.

Native Plant News – Spring 2022