Sharing the World of Plants with People

Leading a chapter hike, always engaging. Photo by Beth Davis
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Memories of Dr. M

By Theresa Morr

Every time I visit the forest, something I learned from Dr. M. comes to mind – how oak trees are the last in spring to release their pollen and how Bloodroot seeds get planted by ants. I learned how trees are essentially “dead inside,” and it’s the cambium, xylem, phloem and bark layers that sustain them. I can remember my hair standing on end as he described the new-mown grass smell is actually the grass screaming and warning its neighbors as the blades are being decapitated, and laughed when he said that there’s as much sex and violence in the plant world as in anywhere else!

My favorite memory is the Fern Foray trip through several counties, stopping at odd spots along the road to admire unusual ferns, and watching him whack away at the Wineberry bushes with his stick as we walked the trails.

As one of the many who benefited by his generosity and patience in sharing his time and energy and botanical wisdom, I am grateful to have taken his classes, and want to honor his legacy of “sharing the world of plants with people.”

Theresa Morr, Charlotte (NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter). NCNPS board secretary.