Our Teacher, Our Leader, Our Friend: In Memory of Dr. Larry Mellichamp

Larry was always eagerly willing to guide walks to interesting places.
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By Beth Davis

It’s hard to measure the impact that Dr. Larry Mellichamp had on the NC Native Plant Society in general and the Southern Piedmont Chapter more specifically. His enthusiasm for botany and native plants had no bounds, and he was always eagerly willing to guide walks to interesting places we wouldn’t normally be able to visit, make presentations to our chapter meetings at Reedy Creek Nature Center on a wide variety of topics, and donate oh so many plants from his backyard nursery to our chapter raffles. Larry was more than generous with his time, gladly answering questions on all matter of home garden challenges or plant ID.

A Legacy Like Ripples in a Pond

He recruited me as co-chair to the chapter several years ago, and who could say no to Larry? In my mind his legacy is like ripples in a pond. Each person he touched, spreading the message of how supporting native plants in both our home gardens, and more broadly in our public lands can somehow be a small step in healing the world. It’s a tall order, but as I’ve seen in the many tributes to Dr. M, Larry was a giant of a man. We were blessed to have his guidance.

Beth Davis, Charlotte (NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter). Past co-chair, NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter. This article was reprinted from the chapter’s fall 2022 newsletter.