Bombick Garden Got Certified

Redbud (Cercis canadensis), American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Photo courtesy Betsy Reed Bombick

People Can Better the Land

by Betsy Reed Bombick

In December 2016, we moved to a new location in Winston-Salem with 0.34 acre in an established neighborhood with several large canopy trees.  We’re focused on sustaining natives for wildlife support, particularly birds and insects although we do still have some non-natives and lawn.  We’re removing invasives including Nandina, English ivy, and Vinca, and adding natives. We have added understory trees, over 20 shrub species, over 50 herbaceous flowering plants plus ferns, grasses and vines. We’ve relied on sales through our area Master Gardener program, at botanical gardens, and at a couple of native-oriented nurseries including Elderberry Creek Farm & Nursery in Forsyth County and Frank’s Perennial Border in Winston-Salem.  We are inspired by leaders like Doug Tallamy, Benjamin Vogt, Larry Mellichamp and others; by native plant groups, online seminars and meetings including the Ohio State University group, and local expertise from Bashavia Gardens and Root & Branch Gardens.  Future plans include less grass, greater focus on “native plant communities”, perhaps a bubbling water feature, influencing neighbors . . . and did we say “more plants”?

by Betsy Reed Bombick
Native Plant News – Spring 2022

Betsy and Dave Bombick, residents of Winston-Salem,  are now active retirees whose favorite activities include being outdoors, reading, and engagement in their community. They now have an official NCNPS Native Plant Sign for their garden.