An Inspirational Teacher and Lifelong Leader

Larry inspiring us to do more and share the responsibility. Photo by Juliei Higgie
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By Craig Maxwell

My first time attending a Native Plant Society meeting was the 2020 annual seed share event where Larry taught attendees how to collect, store, and sow native seeds.

His excitement and humor were infectious and he made you want to ask questions and learn more because he made it approachable. No matter what subject I heard Dr. M speak on over the last couple years, he always seemed just as fascinated by it as if he’d just learned about it himself. Larry didn’t just help me learn about plants, he helped me learn how to be excited about nature again and he inspired me to do more and share the responsibility of carrying that message.

I believe his gift to us is now our responsibility and I’m forever grateful for having known him, even if it was for a short time.

Craig Maxwell, Charlotte (NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter). NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter co-chair.