A Fearless Wildflower Hike Leader

Larry cultivated plants and people, here leading one of his fall outing hikes. Photo by Lisa Tompkins
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By Carol Fox

As Southern Piedmont chapter newsletter editor, I could always count on Larry’s creativity when it was time to describe and “market” one of his talks or hikes.

I remember one spring wildflower hike where he said he would lead Southern Piedmont Chapter members to the Grand Canyon of Mecklenburg County. Forty to fifty people signed up for the hike and we wondered how we would accommodate them all. That Sunday morning rolled around and weather forecasters were predicting horrendous storms with possible tornadoes all day long. Terrified hikers dropped out by the droves until a few of us were left.

But Larry was fearless and said that we were going to hike. We met, under high-tension power towers no less, and proceeded to hike the “Grand Canyon” and its wonderful wildflowers. In the end, not a single drop of rain fell on us that day.

Carol Fox, Mint Hill (NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter). NCNPS Southern Piedmont Chapter co-chair and newsletter editor.