Growing Native!

Landscaping Tips

Please buy
nursery propagated
plant material
and leave the wild plants
in the wild.

Taking native plants from the wild devastates native plant populations, and often the plants die in your backyard.

When landscaping with native plants, maximize your success by matching the right plants with the right site conditions. Do your homework before planting:

  1. Assess the available light, moisture, and soil pH at your planting site.
  2. Have your soil tested to learn the pH and whether the soil needs to be improved.
  3. Choose native plants which match your site conditions. Use our list of native plant recommendations as a guide.
  4. Here is a reference for Native Plants for Coastal North Carolina Landscapes - Download the PDF by right-clicking the link and selecting "Save link as" or similar

Remember, landscaping with native plants is art imitating nature. For ideas, look to a nearby natural area to observe how native plants naturally occur.

Finished?* Apply for NC native plant habitat certification

* We believe an integral part of a natural landscape is its continued evolution.

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